
IR&R provides assistance with searching for adequate housing through and other methods. fosters information sharing among Alabama communities and is supported by an advisory group of representatives from the agencies, organizations and professional associations represented on this page.—a national, nonprofit provider of housing locator services—maintains the website and provides support through a toll-free call center. is a partnership of many non-profit and government organizations. For more information please contact Dan Kessler at


Health and Fitness

IR&R supports the movement for individuals with disabilities to gain health and fitness. Our health and fitness program Access Fitness: Life without limits offers accomodations for people with disabilities to have access to fitness resources.

Regular exercise combined with proper nutrition offers unlimited health benefits including boosting your immune system, preventing disease, and improving mental health. Access fitness member gyms are ready to help you achieve your individual fitness goals!


Organizational Payee

Many people receive their Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments directly, however some need guidance in handling their benefits. We receive payments on the behalf of the beneficiary as a representative payee and render payments for daily and monthly living expenses for the beneficiary. 


Partnering Organization

IR&R partners with several agencies in the community. We believe in providing information to the community in order to increase awareness of resources. Please explore our partners.


Emergency Preparedness

IR&R provides information to assist people within the community with disaster preparedness. IR&R’s emergency preparedness kits helps individuals with any kind of disaster relief and to be prepared for any emergency or disaster. It is important to keep an emergency preparedness kit around in case needed.

Emergency preparedness kits are given during consumer disaster training.